Friday, September 22, 2006

why bother teaching non-violence?

When this is what lives in Mo's imagination regarldess of what Jesus, Jimmy Carter or I have to say. At least he understands the consequence...and yet he's gleeful....
Bow + Arrow + Poison



j said...

Wow, Girl--It takes some chops to post this! And I love you all the more for it--total honesty. Somehow, I think this does not a sociopath make...any more than K's obsession with barbies and princesses means she'll be a candidate on The Bachelor 20 years from now! Here's hoping...

emdunbar said...

I started out with a strict "no war toys" policy, until the boys turned anything into a weapon--sticks, spoons, whathaveyou. Then we sort of relented and ruled out only modern weaponry--guns of any sort are out, but swords are okay. Clearly,I'd rather not have poisoned arrows in the mix, but what can you do. Now he's working on a way that we can display this piece of art so both sides show...he'd like to string it up in the doorway so from the kitchen you see the weapons and from the hallway you see the dead guy. Nice. Still he's one of the most compassionate kids I know, so what can ya do?

emdunbar said...

pardon my over use of "what can you do"