Friday, August 10, 2007

ridiculously bountiful

Todd and Cody showed up last night at 9:30 with a trunk full of basil. A trunk full of basil. Cody tried to get me to take three garbage bags full. Three garbage bags full. I talked her down to one hefty bag.
She planted something like 40 linear yards of basil at her in-laws house. This was her second harvest of the summer. She just went after it with hedge trimmers, stuffed it into garbage bags, and then drove around town making deliveries to her lucky friends.

So today was pesto day. I harvested my garlic from the yard, stocked up on provisions at Allen's, busted out the Kitchen Aid mixer, and basically, made pesto all day long. The recipe I use calls for 2 cups of packed basil leaves. I made twenty batches. My freezer is full of pesto. We'll have pesto all year. I still have a collander full of basil leaves (but I'm long since out of olive oil, etc). And Cody will have another harvest before growing season is up.
So tonight it was pasta & pesto with a nice Gewurztraminer. Fantastic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah . . the good old days of Cody's basil! We are just now eating the last of 2006's pesto made with Cody's basil. You are lucky! 20 batches? My, my, my.

Have a great time in Lyons! If you run into some guy named Justin from Colorado Springs (and a 9-year-old girl), that's my brother.